How to Level-Up Your Leave Program to Improve Your Employee Experience

By Shahlla Karmali


September 26, 2024

How to Level-Up Your Leave Program to Improve Your Employee Experience

Providing an all-around better employee experience is top of mind for many these days! Ensuring employees feel heard, respected and cared for has a long list of benefits, from increased productivity to higher job satisfaction to an overall more positive experience for all.

Your leave management program impacts exactly that. Previously, employee leave and accommodations have been overlooked but thankfully there’s been a spotlight shown on its impact through recent events like the #showmeyourleave campaign, increase in state paid leave policies, and more!

So, how do you level-up your leave program?

First, think of all the time spent on the administrative tasks associated with Leave of Absence requests and case management. We know that’s not the highlight of your day and you’d much rather spend your time supporting and building relationships with employees.

Thankfully, there’s a new way to manage leave!

Unlike traditional methods, tracking and administering FMLA & other Leave of Absences using a leave management software is a highly efficient process with more opportunities to connect with your employees before, during and after their leave – which is usually happening during a stressful, life-altering event. Combined with being entirely digital, you can provide a much better employee experience with a simple way for employees to request leave and achieve accurate visibility into their case.

Want to learn more about the benefits and key drivers you and your teams could see from improving your leave program? Download the full guide here!
